Student Records
The Student Records team works with teams across the University to maintain the data quality of student records and course information, which is stored on the Cambridge Student Information System (CamSIS).
We ensure that all course and student record information complies with the requirements of the annual HESA and HESES statutory returns, meets the reporting requirements of internal and external customers, and correctly reflects the achievements of students in official documentation, such as certificates and transcripts.
Some of our responsibilities include:
- Creating, maintaining and circulating guidance documents for those in the collegiate University who maintain student-related data on CamSIS
- Postgraduate administration, including being the main point of contact for departments, degree committees and Colleges for queries relating to postgraduate students, and points of general policy and procedure; maintaining an overview of Change in Student Status applications and answering related queries; maintaining postgraduate student-related guidance on the relevant Cambridge Students webpages; overseeing processes related to the monitoring of student progress and taking any necessary action in relation to concerns; overseeing processes for Degree Committee decisions, approval for the award of degrees and the processing of hardbound and electronic thesis submissions
- Setting up new courses on CamSIS following their full approval by the necessary committees
- Submitting course information and term dates to external parties such as the SLC and NHS
- Managing the University’s termly student registration process
- Manual creation of certain student records, such the records for those progressing on to the Standard Medical MBBCH course
- Working in partnership with the Course Fees Team to ensure that tuition fees are correctly recorded on CamSIS